What is the difference between active balancing and passive balancing in BMS systems?


  •      At present, there are two main balancing schemes in the lithium battery BMS management system: passive balancing and active balancing. Among them, passive balancing is highly favored by major BMS manufacturers due to its mature scheme and low cost, and is also the most widely used balancing method on the market. Due to factors such as high cost and complex circuits, the use of active balancing still needs further exploration.


What does passive balancing mean?


If the lithium battery pack is a wooden barrel, and the battery cells are the wooden boards that make up the barrel, due to the manufacturing process and usage losses, the wooden boards of the barrel become uneven in length and length.

Passive balancing refers to sawing all wooden boards short according to the shortest length. This method is simple and efficient, but the remaining water (capacity) in the barrel decreases. (Passive equalization uses a resistor heating and discharging method to consume the "excess power" of high-capacity batteries, thus achieving the goal of equalization.)

So what is active balancing?
Similarly, for this bucket, active balancing involves taking the sawn leftover materials to make up for the missing wooden boards to achieve consistency. However, this method is cumbersome and inefficient, but there will be much more water left in the bucket than passive balancing. (Active balancing is the process of transferring excess electricity to cells with high remaining capacity through energy transfer, ensuring consistent battery consistency.)
With the current battery manufacturing process and the increasing maturity of the PACK process, the demand for passive balancing may gradually decrease, while active balancing will be more widely used in lithium battery packs to achieve gradual maintenance and balance, maintain the consistency of the battery pack, and extend its service life.
Time:2023-03-21 10:05
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